St. Patrick’s day

 Next 17th, as everybody knows is Saint Patrick’s day but this day is very important in many places and specially it is the most important day of the year in Ireland because Saint Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland.Therefore, I have planned many different activities to put into practice in my classes as a  scavenger’s hunt that was carried out with the students of  3ESO, a running reading that was carried out with the students of the second year of ESO and finally a listening with the students of the first year of ESO.

Student during the running reading
It is this last activity on which I will focus since I have made use of a very interesting resource: Edpuzzle. Thanks to this resource, one can upload a video and include different activities within the video so that the students could answer these activities both in class and at home.  It is a very interesting resource also because one can make use of real and authentic material as for example the video from Cbbeebies that I have used (you can find the video here . Cbbeebies, for those of you who do not know it, is a programme from BBC. Therefore, my students had to watch a video that any other kid in UK may have also watch at their homes in their TVs. Once this is explained to them, they get both motivated and scared simce they do think that they won’t be able to understand a thing.

In order to carry out this activity which basically aims to motivate my students towards the listening of real materials as well as to improve both their knowledge of St. Patrick’s history and to enhance their listening, I have made use of a very interesting and nice resource called Edpuzzle. Thanks to this resource, one can flip the class by sending students to watch a given video at home prior to the class to get all the information that we will require later on. And that´s exactly what I have done with my students.

I decided to use (out of the inmese variety of videos about St. Patrick that one may find on the Internet) a nice video of Cbbeebies since as everybody knows, listening to children speaking a given language tends to be easier. And they LOVE IT! The fact that they could understand English people talking was superb. Once they arrived the following day, all were talking about the video and that they have got all the answers right!!!

Samples of the activity in Edpuzzle

Yet, there is always room for improvement. I think that maybe I should have made them harder questions or I should have used a Bottom-up listening approach since, being afraid of their missunderstanding, I tried to make it as easier as possible for them. Be as it may, hope you all have a happy St. Patrick´s day and....Be careful with the Guiness and the leprechauns!!!!


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  2. Good morning Ana,
    Congratulations for your blog! I'm MMar and I'm also a student in the course "Innovative teaching practices supported by the focused use of ICT tools in the language classroom". Needless to say that your work seems to me very accurate, useful, funny and interesting. I spent some time reading your entries and I enjoyed the way they are presented and written, paying attention to the detail and curiosities, what makes the experience much more educative and complete in every single aspect.
    Apart from that, I consider your blog excellent from a visual point of view; attactive images, stimulating titles for the entries published and links to explanatory videos and extra data.
    In order to improve your blog (and in my humble opinion, of course) I would probably try to organise it better, paying attention to the different levels or the subjects (in fact, I should do it myself! since my own blog looks like yours in that way.)
    Once again, well done and thanks a lot for your contribution ;)


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