Who runs the world? Girls do! 
Tomorrow is the international women’s day and in our classes we have been working on it. Women have been an important cornerstone in the history of the world. Yet, they have not received the importance and relevance needed. In order to get to know a bit more some women leaders, students have been asked to read different biographies of important women in the website

Once they have read about them and got the important information about the story of these women, they are asked to create an account in the website This website is very useful to deal with biographies since it allows students to create timelines in a very visual way. After a short explanation on how to use the website on my part, they were able to create some very interesting timelines that you can check out in the following links:

The website was very useful. Yet, we found some problems (as always when using the Laptops in class). On the one hand there were many students who did not have the possibility of registering because of the problems of the internet. On the other hand, as they did not have their mobile phones in class, they could not confirm their emails as necessary.

Even though there were some problems, they were quite motivated towards the task since it was quite linked to an interesting topic as the lives of these wonderful women. However, they felt a bit at loss at the beginning since it was a completely new tool for them. Therefore, next time I will ask them in advanced to register in the website so that they do not have these registering problems. Finally, I must say that this tool could be very helpful to work also with listening, by ordering the events they have heard about; with reading as it is this case or even by writing their own events of their lives. 

Be as it may, this activity as very interesting for them to get to know some trascendental figures such as Florence Nightingale, Marie Curie or even Queen Victoria, who once ruled “the world”


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