Genially with Aldea

Why should we recycle? This is a question that comes to our mind quite regularly. And this is what I asked my students to work out. Since our school is part of the Aldea project, we will create infographic so that my students work on this idea.

First of all, I asked them to give me some ideas in class. In this brainstorming, we worked out certain interesting notions. Then, they were separated in groups and in each group they had to provide a message, which should contain a maximum of 27 words, and three ideas that justify this message.

In the subsequent class, students were asked to work with the laptops and to create their genially account so that they could create their own infographic. They have been given time and free choice to create their own projects.

Finally, in the last class they are asked to present their own infographic to the class so that the rest of the students could see their works. Then, they put in common all their ideas and most of them were similar ones.

Here are some of their infographics:

This tool has been very useful for me since it has been a very interesting way of how to deal with a difficult and abstract idea such as this in a very funny way. It has helped me quite much to achieve my objectives and students felt much more secure when speaking in front of the class since they had the support of the infographics. I would change next time the organisation of the groups since I think it would have better to mix up the levels of the students. All in all, I would say that this resource is “genially”!


  1. Hello Ana! I love the design of your blog , it's similar to my page , but more compact and attractive. Maybe the links you chose are too specific for some students. However, the rest is just awesome! Congratulations!


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