Listening is always one of the hardest parts for my students when we work it in class. Hence, after reading the blogs of Esther Correa (https://esl-freak.blogspot.com/search/label/INNOVATIVE%20TEACHING%20PRACTICES) and of Rafael Casado (https://englishlucus.blogspot.com/), I decided to try a new Edpuzzle activity.

Since the trimester is coming to an end, I wanted to finish it by dealing with one of the topics we have dealt with in one of our units, i.e. the importance of being careful in Internet. First, and once I have chosen the topic, I went to look for the video. I took the idea of Rafael and tried to find a video of That’s English but everything seemed of a lower level. After looking and searching in Internet, I found this video which I considered suitable.
In this case, I send the activity to my bachillerato students and give them 4 days to carry out the activity. Most of them found it quite nice and like it, although there were some who considered it a bit diffucult. I think that it may be because of the choice of questions, which were multiple choice ones.

Once they carried it out at home, I asked them to bring some of the ideas of the video in class by means of a brainstorming. Hence, I used this listening activity as a trampoline for writing since I asked them to write an essay about this topic.

Here there are some examples of te answers of the students:
- https://edpuzzle.com/assignments/5c8aa5de6761bb40a0883f5d/students/5c9122220ebacb40aa880ce0/progress
- https://edpuzzle.com/assignments/5c8aa5de6761bb40a0883f5d/students/5c90fed13703bf40915ccfd4/progress

It was a very nice activity for them and for me. Yet, not everything was fine since there were some problems like the fact that as the questions were open ones, each one has to be corrected individually. However, it is through diffifulties that we can become better, as the saying says, “ per ardua ad astra”


  1. Hello Ana! I am Rocío and I am a student in the ICT tool. According to our course I am sending comments to my favourite blogs. I chose your blog because it's really well done. Besides from a visual point of view it is really effective with pictures and the way you present the activities. Just here I could say something to add (but only because it is the task we must fulfil according to the course "aspectos que podrian mejorarse"!) and the titles for each entry could be more user-friendly as we don't know what picture corresponds to each activity apart from the last one where you mention Genially.
    All in all, congratulations and thank you for your contribution to the course!


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